Geneva (ICRC) — At its
Assembly meeting of 20 February 2002, the International Committee of
the Red Cross (ICRC) appointed Mr Angelo Gnaedinger to the post of
Director-General. Mr Gnaedinger will take up his responsibilities as
head of the Directorate, the ICRC's executive body, on 1 July 2002.
Angelo Gnaedinger was born in
1951. He trained as a lawyer and served as examining magistrate in
the Swiss canton of Schaffhausen before joining the ICRC in 1984.
Following initial field assignments in the Middle East and Africa he
held various posts at the ICRC's Operations Department in Geneva. In
particular, he was head of the Detention Division from 1992 to 1994
and Delegate-General for Western and Central Europe and the Balkans
from 1994 to 1998. Since 1998 Angelo Gnaedinger has been
Delegate-General for Europe, the Middle East and North
Africa. | |